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Knowing that you are not alone at a time where you feel isolated, helpless, and incapable to care for a child with medical and physical disabilities, is key to ensure your child has the best quality of life. Through prayer, support, therapy, and faith she now sees her daughters journey as one of her greatest gifts. God had a plan for all of those tears, all of the worry, and even the doubt.  Nothing we went through was in vain. Now her mission is to help as many parents and families get through their journey.

Over the years there were too many critical times, surgeries, and set backs to name. She put her faith and trust in God and allowed him to see her through the journey ahead. The more she trusted him the more he revealed that he was a God that could do the impossible. Blessings have been witnessed, prayers have been answered, and miracles have been revealed. She wants her personal story to give others hope, encouragement, and validation that they too were handpicked by God to do this. She's learned to celebrate the life Kendall was given and not grieve over the life she envisioned for her.  

Today, Cewanda serves as a beacon of hope for women and men worldwide who may receive a life-altering diagnosis for their child, encouraging them to believe in miracles and hold on to hope in Christ in the midst of what seems to be a crisis. Cewanda can now not only empathize, but sympathize with those who are going through similar circumstances.

For speaking engagements, interviews or more information, visit email