2020 has made us stronger

I hope everyone had a blessed holiday season. In spite of all the things that happened in 2020, we have so much to be grateful for. I know for our family even though there were losses of people we loved, social isolation, virtual education etc…we are so grateful to be healthy, alive and well. We have spent a lot of family time together which we probably would not have if it wasn’t for Covid-19. One day we will be able to look back on 2020 and see all of the blessings we had as a result of the pandemic. I am looking forward to being even more persistent to present our story to those who need to here it. We are on a mission to speak hope, faith and encouragement into your lives. Do not cover your scars for they tell a story. Your scars will give others hope for survival and healing. You are Not Alone in anything you go through. Even if you feel alone or are physically alone, God is always right there. He will will guide you as you go through your storm.