Social Work appointment

No doctor or medical updates but we did meet with the Social Worker yesterday. This is a standard part of the process prior to transplants. It was a very informative appointment and a lot of our questions got answered and we were told many things we never even thought about asking. It was more of a “getting to know what your needs are” session. We talked about so many different things and scenarios that I can’t even begin to name them all. The Social Worker will be our resource or “go to” person if we have any questions about anything and she will pass on the information to the Social Worker in Pittsburgh so that she will know what our needs are as well. They are guiding us and giving us a checklist/to do list prior to going for the transplant so that we can focus on Kendall and not have to worry about if other things are being taken care of back home. Making sure we have key people in place that will take care of things in Michigan for us if needed is going to be very important.

We still don’t have a definite date for the evaluation but at least all the medical records are there and the cardiology and pulmonary transplant teams are communicating now (they were not collaborating yet until recently).

I know it is all going to happen in Gods perfect timing because she is going to get a donor heart that is perfect for her and she will live a long life. No if, ands, or buts.








