2 appointments this week

On Monday Kendall had her annual pediatric checkup as she does every year at this time. I had them check her pulse ox (oxygen level) just as an FYI and it was 84-89%. Very similar to what it was before she left the hospital. Hers typically runs high 80s-low 90s.

Today (Wednesday) Kendall had an appointment with her GI doctor to go over the ultrasound report of her abdomen that they did while she was in the hospital last week. The doctor said that her liver is slightly larger than it should be. She said the the increased pressures she has from her heart/lung can cause this but the flow looks normal in that area. She wants to do a scope on Kendall to look at her esophagus. She stated that there may be collateral veins in the esophagus that she would have to put a “band” around to decrease the flow and help keep her liver from getting any bigger. She is going to call the cardiologist tomorrow to ask when she can schedule a scope and also to coordinate it at the same time as another procedure so she only has to have anesthesia once.

About 30 minutes ago the hematologist called to say Kendall’s blood clotting factors are low and if she has any bleeding from anywhere in her body to bring her to the emergency room.

God heals….
