The journey towards 7th Grade and beyond...........

It is hard to believe 6th grade has ended and 7th grade is about to begin!!! Unbelievable. Health-wise Kendall had an amazing 2020-2021. I know it is mostly because school was virtual and she was home 99% of the time due to Covid-19. She literally didn’t go anywhere besides doctors/dentists appointments and grandma’s house until recently. Some may say that’s extreme but she remained healthy with absolutely no issues for 14 months so it was worth it to us!!!!

Since June we have started to notice that she has become more tired and short of breath during and after activity. Oxygen saturations have been lower than they have been in the past. Kendall of course remains a trooper. Other than taking breaks to rest and catch her breath, she doesn’t complain about it. She’s not in distress or anything like that and has no restrictions or anything. She has had appointments with the cardiologist, pulmonologist and hematologist(heart, lung, blood doctors) over the past 2 months and it has been recommended that she have a heart catheter procedure on August 10th 2021. Her cardiologist wants to get a better look and and find out more specific information about her heart function and blood vessels.

The cardiologist stated that the last heart catheterization was in 2013 and at that time it was noted that Kendall would need a follow-up one within 10 years. It has been exactly 9 years since the last one so she is in that window of time to get a re-check.

This is NOT open heart surgery thank God. It is a procedure that many people have that have any issues with their heart and the majority of the time it is outpatient and you go home the same day.

We are faithful and confident in the fact the she is older, healthier and stronger than ever before. This procedure will provide information as to how to get her oxygen levels up so that she has more energy, breathes easier, and feels better and better everyday.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers

