
Nothing new to report. Just up thinking about the past, present and future…Monday nights have been our “Girls Night” for a few years now. That’s the night where I sleep in Kendall’s bed and we have honey cheese puffs and some form of chocolate a few hours before bed (hey, no judgement lol). Sometimes I creep out of her bed and head back into my room where the bed is much more comfortable. Tonight however, she’s like a toddler and grabs my arm when she feels me move. So I am still here just staring at her and remembering all of the things she has gone through and I am so proud and grateful to be her mom.

She gives me a hard time every day with that pre-teen attitude and sassy mouth. Has to have the last word. Mad at me because Friday they added rubber bands to her braces and somehow it is my fault that I don’t know how to put them in as good as the dentist and I make her mouth hurt and she needs “drugs” (her words).. lol

Thinking about how her left dimple is much more noticeable than the right one. How everytime I start to ask a question to her/or anyone else she answers “I don’t know/we don’t know” after I get out the first 3 words of the question. Every morning when I wake her up she yells “you got to be kidding me!!” She is definitely not a morning person just like me.

Ok I am done rambling for 12:30am…………..

FYI: We have not heard back from the hospital yet regarding insurance clearance to proceed with consultations.
