Explanation and Understanding Is Key

According to Proverbs 19:8, wisdom is a way to love yourself.

New International Version
The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.

Kendall had an appointment today at Children’s Hospital with the transplant team. She had an a EKG, ECHO and CT scan.

The team also sat down with her to answer any questions she had about what’s going on. They were very professional, caring and showed genuine love and concern as they explained things as simply as they could so that she had a better understanding. We received a few books to read with her that has definitions and meanings of what she hears but may not understand. They explained to her what being an organ donor means and how she is receiving a “gift” from another person so that she can feel better, stronger and live a more physical life without being as tired as she is now. She was happy about that.

Towards the end of the conversation, Kendall was asked how she felt about all of this and she said she was a little nervous. I really felt that at the end of the meeting she felt better because they talked to her about her feeling better and stronger and also reassuring her that they had many ways to minimize any pain she may have after the surgery and recovery period. Overall, it was a productive and much needed conversation so when we talk about it now, we can build on the understanding she has now. The team made themselves available to her by saying she could call or email them on her own if she has questions or needs to talk. That was a very sweet gesture and I am going to give her their information so that she knows they truly care about her and are willing to talk to her at any time.





