Sunday May 15,2022

Good evening everyone. Just wanted to sign on with a brief update (hahahahahaha) I know It is never brief.

Kendall had another mental health therapy appointment via zoom to talk about her feelings and coping skills. Went well. She likes this person and feels comfortable talking to him.

On Thursday(12th) we got a chance to talk to our new transplant coordinator. She told us that it has been decided that since an MRI cannot be scheduled until July, the team recommended that Kendall have a CT Scan instead with contrast and mild sedation which will get her a sooner appointment than July. They said that the CT scan will still give them good information and a great view of all of her blood vessels. So they are confident that this will be just as good as the MRI results would have been. We should hear from them this week on a date to come to Pittsburgh for this test and have a consultation with ENT while she is there.

This past Friday(13th) we had a virtual family zoom which went very well. The Child Life Specialist and Psychologist were on and they talked about everything from A-Z from what a healthy heart looks like and how it functions— to what Kendall’s heart looks like and how it is functioning. Sydney and Quentin had their own set of questions that they were able to ask and get clarification on. I was so proud of them. I mean I know that they are brilliant superstars, but their questions amazed me and I wanted to cry. The psychologist made herself available to them if they ever need to talk to her or are unclear on anything which was very much appreciated. The psychologist even took the time to talk to Quentin specifically on Neuro Psychology because she knows that is what he wants to major in after high school.

There will be more updates coming this week. Tomorrow Kendall has an appointment with her cardiologist/ heart transplant team at Children’s Hospital in Detroit for a regular check up, ECHO and EKG.

She also has an appointment on Tuesday with the Neurologist. He will be giving her a series of cognitive tests that the psychologist/physical and occupational therapists in Pittsburgh want to have as a baseline pre and post transplant. (this is about a 3 hour test). Then we will head across the street to the pediatrician’s office to get her 2nd HPV vaccine(they wanted her to get this because it helps to prevent certain cancers after getting a donor heart).

Ok. Besides virtual school and these appointments I think that’s all I have to report for now. She’s happy, healthy, watching something on her IPad and listening to it via her Beats and laughing! Life if good. To be continued..

Thank you all for your t-shirt orders. You are the




