U of M evaluation

Hey there. Tuesday we met with the transplant team at U of M Motts Hospital. We met with the same physician and nurse practitioner we met on zoom last month. Today we actually met with those same two people for a more detailed evaluation, an EKG, an ECHO, and a 6 minuite walk test to see what Kendall’s oxygen levels were while doing an activity like walking.

She also had a lot of blood tests done. The overall outcome is that U of M will continue to do their own evaluations, consults and tests to come to their own conclusions and let us know whether or not she is listed on their transplant list. Upcoming appointments in the next few weeks will be: having a cardio catheterization to see what the blood flow pressures are in her heart and a CT scan to see all of the blood vessels from head to toe so that they know the overall over circulation in her body.

They told us that the entire consultation process will be 2-3 months to see all of the department services

(Lung, surgery, nutrition, psychology, kidney, liver, stomach and social worker).

Some of the information is familiar but we also have a lot of research to do about learning how hospitals operate the same but also how they operate differently.

As of today, Kendall is only listed in Pittsburgh until the evaluation in Michigan is completed.

Overall, today we were pleased and confident on the expertise of the people that would be taking care of her pre/post transplantation. Ultimately God has the final say and we are confident and reassured that wherever/ whenever the call comes, it is the heart that God has already pre-assigned to her.

Once we got home from the visit we talked about any questions or concerns she had. We always want her to know she can ask questions of the doctor and of us(her family) when she is confused or afraid.

Her concerns were mostly about pain from surgery vs routine tests. So we talked about those issues and will make it a point to continue to reassure her to ask questions during appointments, after/ or in between appointments, and during the process of waiting.

Thank you all for past and future prayers on this journey
