June 24, 2024 More updates

Hope all is well with everyone. In the last post I said that I would share the updates in parts so here is

Part 2

After we got the green light from U of M Motts there was a few scenarios presented to us to think about and decide on. 1) Keep the dual listing with Pittsburgh and we would go to which ever hospital received the heart first. or 2) Stay with U of M only. They want her to get physically stronger before transplant to minimize any complications. They would list her in a higher category which means she would go into the hospital to get therapy, rehab, nutrition, etc…This is not outpatient. She would be admitted into the hospital and start therapies and remain there until she gets her gift of a heart. After the transplant she would stay in the hospital for at least another month or two.

Initially the reasons for wanting her to be listed at 2 facilities is because I am having some medical challenges that I am overcoming and also because we wanted to be closer to our support group.

We were in a dilemma because we love UPMC hospital/transplant team and we very comfortable with them. They also transplant heart and lung if necessary. But we would be much further from Michigan and it would just be Damon and I. On the other hand, the other dilemma is if we yes to U of M that means she goes into the hospital for ???????months. We would be traveling back and for to Ann Arbor taking turns to make sure someone was always with her.

This will of course be life changing for all of us no matter what choice we make.

So we have prayed about it. Thought about the pros and cons. Included Kendall in on the choices and we came to a decision…………Stay tuned