Team Kendall Let's Go!!!!

Hello everyone. Kendall had her appointment with the lung doctor on Wednesday. Long story short, based on the chest xray results and tests the doctor did that day, she is not convinced that Kendall needs a lung transplant but she is also not convinced that she doesn’t. Her recommendation is for Kendall to be evaluated by the physician that actually does the transplants which would be in Pittsburgh. She said if she had to make a decision just from a lung standpoint she could do that but because the heart is involved she would feel more comfortable that the facility that specializes in heart/lung do their own assessment. We appreciate that because this is a major decision and we want the the decision to be made with the best team that she can have. She is going to make the phone calls and send over the reports from Children’s Hospital in Detroit to the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. We will know more this week about when that appointment will be.

The hematology appointment was on Thursday. Last months results and last weeks results were pretty much the same. There were some values that were high but she said it is nothing to be concerned about because it is “expected” to be high because of what is going on now. She even said Kendall doesn’t need to see her until next year unless any issues come up. That was good to hear. She even drew all of the blood work the liver doctor will need this week so she won’t have to be poked again!!!! The only vein they could find was in between 2 of the knuckles on her hand.

So this week is the liver ultrasound on Tuesday and the appointment with the specialist on Friday.

I don’t know why I said “long story short” in the beginning of this update. I tried but it’s a lot to say and believe me this is the short version. lol

Thank you all for your encouraging words, prayers and being our cheerleaders through it all.






