Good News

Kendall does not new a liver transplant!!! The doctor said all of her blood work was in a normal range. He said that based on the ultrasound her liver is “ not normal.” But……her liver is stiff and has a lot of scar tissue in it and the blood that flows to the liver is backing up. However, that’s not a good enough reason to have a transplant in his opinion. He was really optimistic and hopeful that a new heart will correct all of this.

There is another appointment this week on Tuesday with a rheumatoid doctor. This has nothing to do with the transplant team. This was an appointment that was made in June due to fact that Kendall’s hands and feet are sometimes red and warm or blue and cold, sometimes at the same time. It very well could be happening because of her circulation issues because of the heart condition but we just want to know for sure. Hey, what’s one more doctor at this point!! Let’s rule everything out right?

Haven’t heard with the lung specialist this past week so we will hopefully hear from the team this week with a plan.

More updates coming this week so stay tuned






