Rheumatology appointment

Yet another doctor’s appointment completed. As I mentioned in the last post this appointment was made months ago because over the last few years (more so in the last few months), Kendall’s right hand would be red/hot and the left one would be blue/cold at the same time. So the doctor she saw today did a lot of blood work that could confirm or rule out some causes of why this is happening. A few scenarios he gave us was arthritis, lupus, autoimmune diseases. Based on his physical assessment he said he didn’t think it was any of those things and that it is probably happening because of her circulation issues. So off to the lab we went. They couldn’t get her blood drawn (they even tried in her foot for the first time). We were at the Specialty Center across the street from the hospital so they called over one of the IV team RN’s to come over to draw the blood. Wasn’t easy but he got it thank God.

I think the only thing she looks forward to now is getting to go to Krispy Kreme on the way home from her appointments. She deserves it that’s for sure.






