First post of 2022

Hello everyone. I hope that you and your families are doing well and had awesome holidays. I know the majority of you feel like me, having family time and memories with the ones you love are worth way more than any wrapped gift under a tree.

As far as Kendall is concerned, we are still waiting patiently on an evaluation date. We are pretty much waiting on insurance authorizations right now before we can schedule appointments in Pittsburgh. We heard from the primary insurance company today stating(not to worry about denial). They have already approved the evaluation and transplant and have been in contact with the coordination team in Pittsburgh recently. Kendall also has a secondary insurance that covers what the primary insurance doesn’t. We were told by primary that once they give their 100% approval( and they have), the secondary insurance will automatically agree and submit their approval and the process can get started. So since it’s Friday we will probably hear from Pittsburgh transplant team next week.

My truth: Cherish and be grateful for all of the things in your life that are going well. For all of the babies born healthy, for all of the promotions, money, good news, peace, answered prayers, laughter, etc….you know all of those things that we have but take for granted and don’t give a second thought to or thanks for. Give thanks and be grateful.

We have been in high expectation, faith, prayer, high hopes, agreement, excitement, and beyond grateful that Kendall has the privilege and opportunity to receive a new heart and feel better than she ever has before in 12 years!!! And we will continue to feel that way.

But for people who think or have said that I should just pray and not think anything negative, pray and not worry. I need for you to not talk to me and kick rocks with no socks right now. I love you but you have no idea what this feels like for us unless you have been through it. I am glad that you don’t know firsthand about life and death when it comes to your child. I am so glad that you have never had to meet with a transplant team(s) and know firsthand what all goes with that. I am sad, torn up, scared, nervous, excited, and grateful all at the same time that Kendall has this opportunity and blessing to be a recipient of something so life changing and incredible that many kids that are born with congenital heart disease never get. I know that we are blessed considering she was given a death sentence since pre-birth.

At this point I can only give you MY honesty. I believe in God and miracles and I’m scared too. If you don’t understand how I can be both at the same time then please pray for my strength but leave me alone with your “this is what I would do’s.”

I do believe in miracles, I have faith, I know who God is and what He can do but I am also a human being going through a human experience. I am hurting as a mom but I also hold on to the belief that she will live and not die at a young age. I am so glad I wrote a couple of books. I have had to pick them up and re-read them as a reminder to myself of where she started and how far she has come.


Peace and Love to you all








