January 26, 2022

Hey there. Can you believe January is almost over?? I’m not usually the person that says “this month or year is flying by” because I like to just take it day by day but because we are waiting on phone calls, approvals and answers, it seems like time is going by way too fast because I am concentrating on the days to come and anticipating “the call.”

But anywho(I don’t think that’s a word) we are grateful that nothing is rushed. Everyone that will be a part of this process/ team is being assembled and perfected by God and His timing is perfect so we cannot be anxious about when it will happen.

I heard from the primary insurance company(again) last week that everything related to tests, surgery, hospitalization, transplant etc…has been authorized and covered. Kendall also has had a secondary medical insurance since birth for additional coverage. I was informed by the coordinator at Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital that the last thing they were waiting for was medical information from Kendall’s pediatrician to the secondary insurance company. They received the information that they needed from the pediatrician late this past Friday so we should be contacted soon for an appointment. I know I keep saying that. I had been really anxious and upset that it was taking so long but now I am just being patient with the process because once everything gets in motion, it’s on. So this waiting period is being cherished, celebrated and not taken for granted. All is well.

Jeremiah 33:6 - God brings healing

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.









