Octoer 4, 2022

How has it been 2 months since my last post?? It doesn’t seem like it has been that long. But I am also thankful because long periods of not hearing from me means that everything is good!! Kendall has had an uneventful Summer.

The only new updates I have right now is: she now has her splint on her left lower arm/hand that she wears pretty much all day with breaks. At therapy they always check her oxygen levels before any physical activity, during and after to be cautious of how well she is doing or if they need to take a break etc…Last week before physical therapy started they did a baseline oxygen level and it was in the 70s. Her normal oxygen levels are usually high 80s, low 90s. Therefore, she had to rest and not do anything strenuous during that session. She did recover after a while and her levels went back up to normal. During the 70s she never felt any different or had any complaints.

For about 2 weeks, everytime Kendall walks up stairs she is more tired and short of breath and she needs to take a short break and just sit still until she recovers. Not when she is doing other activities, only the stair climbing. We have been checking her levels at home and they have been in the normal range.

With these 2 events happening: increased tiredness and shortness of breath during stair climbing and the low oxygen levels at therapy, I called Pittsburgh doctors to let them know what was going on. They suggested that we go see her local transplant team at Children’s hospital in Detroit.

So yesterday she had an appointment with them. Oxygen level, Ekg, and ECHO looked fine. Their only suggestion was to contact the lung specialist and see if they wanted Kendall to use her inhaler right before or immediately after stair climbing if she needed it.

We are pre-scheduled to go to Pittsburgh November 10 for a follow up appointment. We are scheduled to go there every 3 months for testing until a heart becomes available for transplant.

All is well. We are getting through 8th grade virtual learning!!! Pray for her instructors, me and Damon lol



