Pittsburgh updates

Hey there. On Monday Kendall had the ENT airway procedure. We met the doctor prior to the procedure and felt very confident that we had the best doctor on the case. He said that he had gone over the notes and cds of her airway from Children’s Hospital in Detroit thoroughly and he and his team were prepared for any/everything that he might find.

Also met with a very skilled, compassionate and empathetic anesthesiologist. She came in with a PA and a CRNA. She said that she is 1 of 5 cardiac anesthesiologists and she also thoroughly reviewed notes from previous anesthesia situations and Children’s Detroit and was prepared for any every/thing that could happen and she had 2 other anesthesia team members with her. She said when she read the notes from years ago that it was unknown if Kendalls 45 minute cardiac arrest was related to her heart or to the anesthesia that was given to intubate her after an ENT procedure, she would not leave the operating room. She said typically when she put a patient to sleep and they were stable, she would leave the room to go and check on other patients but she told us to rest assured that she would never leave Kendall’s bedside.

This was the first time Kendall went into the OR without either me or Damon. She wasn’t scared and she didn’t need us to help calm her down until she was asleep. We said a prayer and she waved at us as they were wheeling her down the hall. We were so glad she was comfortable with the staff and everything that was going on around her so that helped us all to have peace.

They scheduled the OR for 1 1/2 hours. The anesthesiologist called my cell after about 30 minutes saying she did well and the procedure was over. I was like “huh, say what??”

The ENT doctor came out and said he was pleasantly surprised and impressed by what he saw. He was expecting and to see worse based on previous pictures. He said that her airway is smaller than a someone her age and size but it wasn’t worth it to dilate it because she doesn’t have trouble breathing day to day. He said there was some scar tissue from previous procedures but trying to use balloon dilation or laser would cause bleeding and more scarring. He said that their team will no longer need to be there for the transplant and that the anesthesia department will be well informed through his notes on what size tube to use and she shouldn’t have any problems being intubated or coming off ventilator when the time is right.

Cardiology appointment was the next day and that went well too. She had and ECHO and EKG that the doctor said was unchanged, but not worse or concerning. Plan is to have a follow up appointment with him in Pittsburgh in November if she hasn’t had the transplant by then.

As far as travel for the transplant, we found out the the flight company only allows 1 parent to fly with her when we get the call so we are making plans for that. We are not sure which airport we will fly out of but we are getting prepared. Since Damon is driving, now he will be able to bring a lot of things with him that we will need over the weeks/months we are there.

They reassured us that it takes several hours for the whole process to even start so Damon would have plenty of time to get there before the surgery is even started. There is so much prep work involved before the heart even gets to Pittsburgh which is why they want Kendall flown there which is less than an hour. They also said it doesn’t happen often but be prepared that once the surgeons physically see the donor heart, they may decline it and cancel the transplant if they don’t think it’s the best fit or match for Kendall and send us back home. Of course we are grateful that they are so careful and meticulous but this is a Lifetime movie…..a lot of different feelings, thoughts and emotions surrounding this but because everything is falling into place perfectly, I know the outcome is going to be one that has not been written in the medical books/journals yet. God has truly been good to us and the miracles that keep coming strengthens our faith.


