November 12, 2022

We are back from Pittsburgh safe and sound!!

First, the blood draw was successful. The child life specialist was there for distraction and calming techniques. Kendall has a birthmark/mole landmark on her right arm that is the go to vein and it is key to getting all of the lab work needed. She was so calm this time, told the lab tech where to poke her and wanted to watch to make sure she got the right spot. lol

ECHO(ultrasound of the heart) and EKG were stable. No changes.

Appointment with Dr Zinn, Kendall’s transplant cardiologist was good. Kendall updated him that she was drinking more water, started drinking Propel(his suggestion last visit to swap for sugary drinks), eating more vegetables and trying new foods. He said “Kendall I have known you since you were a baby and this is the most you have ever talked to me.” lol

We discussed different scenarios that could put her on the list in a higher category, all of which would would require her to be sicker, more critical and hospitalized in Pittsburgh. That’s okay. We would prefer to stay in Category 2, stable and at home and receive the call that way thank you very much.

Still has some shortness of breath when climbing stairs but self corrects and goes back to her baseline after a few minutes. Doctor is not concerned about that as long as she’s not gasping for air or having a harder time breathing. She has some slight swelling in her ankles and lower legs that is most likely normal just from sitting in a chair during virtual classes. He told us to keep an eye on it, swelling in her belly, hands or face, and let him know if anything changes.

Plan is to return to Pittsburgh in February if we haven’t gotten the call for transplant before then.

Thank you all for the ongoing love, prayers and support. This journey is much easier with you on it with us.




