January 18, 2023

Hope everyone had fantastic holidays!!! I’m going to make this post really quick and to the point(I really am this time). lol

Kendall has been doing great besides one week of a cold, fever, runny nose and congestion that we were able to manage at home with fluids, tylenol/motrin and extra inhalers(for the wheezing).

The first semester of virtual learning is coming to an end next week.

She has routine follow-ups with the adolescent clinic and her lung doctor on February 1st at Children’s Hospital in Detroit.

It is time for our next 3 month check up in Pittsburgh with the transplant team in early February.

We are having a fundraiser at Qdoda in Rochester Hills Saturday January 21st from 4p-8p. I have posted the flyer on Instagram and FaceBook if anyone is interested in coming to support.

Hope you and your families are well and have many blessings in 2023.

PS If you haven’t already seen it, check out the article we did for voyagemichigan.com—Conversations with Cewanda Todd. You can find it on my social media pages or on the website itself.

Until next time……xoxoxoxoxoxoxo




