Who's on the heart transplant list? Kendall that's who!!!

I know it has been a few weeks since I posted an update. The appointment with the lung specialist at Children’s Hospital in Detroit went well. It was basically a scheduled follow up wellness check. The doctors that she has here and the doctors in Pittsburgh alternate seeing every few months so that we don’t have to go to Pittsburgh for all of her doctor appointments. They will communicate with each other regarding her care and status.

We received the phone call from the transplant team on this past Thursday that Kendall is officially on the transplant list. They decided to do a heart transplant only. No lungs!!! After reviewing all of their tests they concluded that her right lung was functioning well enough on its own. Proceeding with a double lung transplant and heart at the same time would be very risky. They also said heart transplants are much more successful when done without any other surgeries if possible.

When we told them our road trip was around 5 hrs to Pittsburgh last month, they said they don’t want us to risk running into any traffic, construction etc….that could slow us down and cause us to miss out on the opportunity to receive the heart. The team is now working with a private plane company that will fly us out in their private jet when we get the call. Because a heart could be available at any time of the day or night, a pilot would always be on stand by to get us to Pittsburgh. So at this point we should always have bags packed, phones on, and be ready to go at a moments notice. This feels like a movie and a dream come true at the same time!!!!

There’s at least 20 more details that we were given to us but I will give them to you in small doses as they become more official.





