February 16, 2023

Good evening everyone. Wanted to stop by and give the updates on last weeks appointment.

First stop was the lab. We always have the Child Life Specialist meet us there so she can help with distraction and breathing exercises during the blood draw. They had to draw 10 tubes of blood. Kendall was a champion!!! Since we located the “good vein” last year that is right next to a mole on her arm, only one poke was required.

Next was EKG, ECHO and then cardiac transplant appointment . Everything is stable and no changes were made.. The doctor said that he would consult the transplant team at Children’s Hospital in Detroit to talk about alternating care back and forth. Meaning: in 3 months have a check up in Detroit, 3 months after that we go to Pittsburgh, 3 months after that Detroit etc… He said that as long as she remains stable while waiting for the new heart, he’s comfortable with that plan. Also he wants doctors in Detroit to still be familiar with what’s going on with her just in case we had to go there for any reason. Makes sense to me and less travel for us!!

All good news!!!

