March 16, 2023

It has been exactly 1 month since the last post. A lot has happened so I will catch you up.

4 weeks ago Kendall and I were Covid +. Thankfully both of us had very mild symptoms. Because of Kendall’s heart/lung condition, the doctors were not taking any chances on her symptoms getting worse. She was admitted into Children’s Hospital Detroit for 3 days of a IV medication called “Remdesivir” to help decrease/prevent any symptoms from getting worse. Thank God the symptoms were only mild the entire week of being Covid+. Also because of the Covid diagnosis she had to be paused on the heart transplant list and was not able to accept any offers if they came. She did not lose her spot on the list. It was just put on hold until the infectious disease doctor gave her okay that it was safe to receive a new heart if an offer came . I am happy to report that she is again now able to accept a new heart if offers come.

2 weeks ago Kendall had a follow up appointment with the cardiologist in Detroit to make sure everything was going well after Covid. Everything was good.

Today we took her to her primary care doctor about a rash she has had on both her legs for 2 weeks. Doctor feels that it is not major and believes it is from contact with something that irritated her skin or she was allergic too. No medications ordered.. Simply vaseline, hydrocortisone, and all hypoallergenic and skin sensitive products on her skin only.

She has been able to handle more physical therapy at home before she gets tired. She is walking longer distances before she needs to stop and take a break. We have to motivate and push her more but once she completes an exercise, she has the biggest smile of accomplishment on her face.

Thank you Cecilia and Georgia Cook @Karly Amanda for your very sweet and thoughtful goodie snack basket for Kendall!!!

Next appointments are: Cardiology/Transplant team and a head-to-toe physical from primary care doctors in Detroit, both In May.





