May 21, 2023

Looking at the date since my last post it has been a couple of months. I consider that a good thing. Still waiting for the transplant call. She is not “sick enough” to have to wait in the hospital as a patient. That’s a win for us!!!

Wednesday she had a physical with the primary adolescent doctor. The doctor is going back to school so Kendall had to be transferred to one of her colleagues for future care. Great for the doctor, wish her all the best, but we are sad. Really liked her and Kendall enjoyed talking to her 1:1. But life goes on and I know the new doctor will be just as good or even better. Everything checked out well from head to toe. Doctor suggested we take her to an optometrist because she didn’t score in a normal range for her left eye. Okay. No big deal. We can do that.

Next follow up appointment with the new doctor will be in 3 months. As the doctor was leaving the room she gave me a paper to give to the front desk to schedule the appointment. I glanced at it and saw the diagnosis of “congestive heart failure.” I’ve seen it written and heard it said before but for some reason that day it caused me to be mad, sad, angry and scared a little bit. I don’t ever say she is in heart failure but when I see/hear something with those words on it, it’s not easy to smile for a while because I see how well she is doing and does not need to be admitted into the hospital and that makes me feel grateful and thankful. 14 years of life and so many more to go. That new heart is coming, but in the meantime I will focus on hope and confidence that God is in control and He knows exactly what He is doing.

This month is also the 3 month check up that we would normally go to Pittsburgh. Thankfully we do not have to go to Pittsburgh this time. The appointment will be at Children’s Hospital in Detroit this coming Wednesday. We will go to Pittsburgh in August for the next check up.

All is well. Still navigating through 8th grade Virtual Learning. No explanation needed for that!!

Kendall is 5’4’’ now. OMG.

We are trying to find summer programs to enroll her in so that she can connect with other teens around her age. We want her to have those conversations and experiences with kids around her age to help with social skills. Virtual learning doesn’t really allow her to have friendships that she looks forward to. She needs that so that high school isn’t such a culture shock whenever she is allowed to go back to school.

As for now we are still doing virtual learning and awaiting for the transplant call. Trying to find different events that will help with interaction with people/kids her age. Looks like high school for Kendall will not be in person for a while but that’s ok. Can’t send her to school before the transplant and up to a year afterwards to protect her immune system.

It’s unreal because we have packed and re-packed our bags 3 times with the change of seasons. But she is doing well at home while waiting so we are grateful.

It’s hard to believe that July will mark 1 year since she has been on the Heart Transplant list. Of course we want her to have her new heart but also grateful it didn’t happen during Quentin’s senior year so we didn’t have to alter his experience because of his sister. But now that senior year is coming to an end, we are grateful, ready, and prepared for the call whenever God has the perfect heart for her.

Thank you for your continued support!!! We love each and every one of you..



