Admitted 8/21/24

Just wanted to make a brief update. Kendall got admitted yesterday but it wasn’t until late evening. Since it was late nothing much happened besides answering admission questions, getting an IV and getting blood drawn. By the time all of those things happened it was 1::00 am and we were exhausted and went to sleep.

Today we met tons of cardiologists, respiratory therapists, child life specialist, psychologist, etc….They are so top notch here. Always checking in to see if we need anything, always accessible. We are very pleased about the staff. They work as a team and I can tell that they love their profession and it’s not just a job to them. I’m grateful!!!

IV medication was started about 5hrs ago. She’s a little tired today but other than that she has been eating, laughing, talking, playing Nintendo switch and now she is painting with Sydney.

Tomorrow they will take her and put in a PICC line and start running her medication through that. She will have mild sedation during the procedure and will come back to her room after recovery time.

I just wanted to let you know she was here and the process has started. I am journaling everything so I don’t forget anything because there is a lot going on. I am not going to give updates every day. Maybe once a week. Continue to pray for Kendall and our family and know that we are in good hands. Wear your shirts any day you please and I will let you know if there are specific days we need you to wear them based on what is going on.

As always, thank you for your support for #TeamKendall #BeKendallStrong


The Todd Family