There is a reason……..Stay tuned

This has not been information for your entertainment only. I swear to you I have a purpose in keeping you informed of why Kendall Todds’ life has been so transformormational to myself and others. God sometimes reveals himself through children. Their existence, birth and lives are to remind us why we were created. To love, live, believe, survive and know that we are designed and created to WIN!!

Kendall's journey is being spread to the masses

I had the most awesome interviews this week. First one was on Monday March 8th with Kingdom Mogul Coach Jesse Cole and on Friday March 11th with Charmaine Johnson-Fuller of The Charmed Life. Both interviews were phenomenal and encouraging to me as to why I wanted to share our journey in the first place. I am so thankful that there are platforms that I am connected with to assist me in reaching the people that would benefit from hearing a story of miracles, transformation and defying the odds.

Thank You

I wanted to thank each and every one of you for continuing to support us in all the ways that you have. Just knowing we have so many people who genuinely care about Kendall and our family means more than you will ever know. Kendall is doing so good. Growing up fast and excelling in all of her classes. I also want to thank you for purchasing our books, t-shirts and for spreading the word about our story.

2020 has made us stronger

I hope everyone had a blessed holiday season. In spite of all the things that happened in 2020, we have so much to be grateful for. I know for our family even though there were losses of people we loved, social isolation, virtual education etc…we are so grateful to be healthy, alive and well. We have spent a lot of family time together which we probably would not have if it wasn’t for Covid-19. One day we will be able to look back on 2020 and see all of the blessings we had as a result of the pandemic. I am looking forward to being even more persistent to present our story to those who need to here it. We are on a mission to speak hope, faith and encouragement into your lives. Do not cover your scars for they tell a story. Your scars will give others hope for survival and healing. You are Not Alone in anything you go through. Even if you feel alone or are physically alone, God is always right there. He will will guide you as you go through your storm.

Purpose Driven

It has really been a good week after the preorders started. I have actually heard from quite a few people that either have or know someone with a cardiac defect. I am also getting a lot of support from people who have no connection to heart defects but are simply purchasing books to support us!! This outpour of love and support has me happy AND crying tears of joy. My goal is to bring more awareness to this condition but more importantly allow our story/journey to be seen/heard to give others hope, faith, to believe in miracles and also know that you are surrounded by people who will help support you through the hard times. There is never a situation in your life that you have to go through alone. It took me years to figure this out. Now that I have released control of trying to figure everything out myself, I can now speak the truth to those who are where I used to be. My pain has fueled my purpose and I am humbled to be able to share our story.

Let me introduce you to "Never Alone"

I am so excited to release my third book “Never Alone.” The purpose of this 30-day devotional is to provide encouragement, motivation, affirmation, support and boost your faith. What God has done for us, He will do the same thing in your life if you believe He will do it. Sometimes we let our roles in life define us. These roles do not tell the story of who you are, but what you do. You are triumphant, victorious, chosen and well equipped for the journey that has been given to you. “Never Alone” will praise, uplift, inspire, encourage and uplift you. You are not alone, you matter, you are loved, you are strong, and you have exactly what it takes to be victorious.

How it all started

When I was pregnant at 19 weeks I found out my unborn child had a severe congenital heart condition.  The condition is called Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome (HRHS).  We were told she would require open heart surgery right away "if" they would be able to do surgery at all.  Every 2 weeks for the rest of the pregnancy I followed up with the specialists to see if there was any changes or improvement with her condition.  Her right ventricle in her heart did not develop so she did not have the chamber that pumps the blood to one of her lungs.  With this condition the left lung is also underdeveloped because of the lack of blood flow from the heart.  Kendall was born with hypoplastic right heart, pulmonary atresia and tricuspid atresia. She has had 4 open heart surgeries, a cardiac arrest, a stroke and as many as 27 airway dilation/laser procedures on her trachea as a result of being on the ventilator so many times.


There are many things she has endured between now and then. This website and this book was created so that people of all ages can see the amazing things she has overcome.  It is to give hope and inspiration to never give up, especially to children.  Going to the hospital, having surgery and living with a disease doesn't have to define your future.  You are stronger than you know.  When the doctor says no, God says yes.


Our girl is now an 11 year old 6th grader!!! We will be homeschooling this year like so many others. All is well with Kendall’s health thank God.

I have decided to write a third book. I always think about how alone and devastated I felt during the pregnancy and after Kendall’s birth even though I knew that there were plenty of families who have gone through similar circumstances. This current book was written with parents of children with special needs in mind. It is a 30 day devotional written to encourage and uplift parents who may feel hopeless or helpless while raising their child with special needs. There are miracles, hope, and blessings along the way.

New book "Beautifully Scarred"

I cannot believe this is really happening. All these years I have been journaling and wanting to put all of my notes and thoughts into one book. There is no way I could have put all of that in one book because it would’ve been 1000 pages or more. What I was able to do though was to say what it is I wanted to say in an easy-to-read book. They say less is more. It is my sincere hope that after you read the book you will be filled with hope, joy and a feeling of gratitude of the life you are living. You never know what someone else is going through or has gone through. It is my mission to give other families hope, encourage them that they will get through this, and believe that miracles can happen.


Hello everyone. Things have been going great.  We have been really busy promoting the book and wanted to send a special thank you to each and every one of you who supported it by purchasing it, word of mouth, prayers, or whatever role you played in making it come alive in your hearts.  We have been able to start the conversation about congenital heart disease which is exactly what we wanted to do.  This book is more special than I could've ever imagined.  Even more than that the outpouring of people who have shown genuine love over the years get to see the little girl they have been keeping in their prayers in a real life story that will inspire others.  We feel so blessed to be able to share Kendall with each and one of you.  She is a Heart Hero to us and now we get to share her with the world.