Tuesday November 16(Because I don't know what else to call it)

I seriously can’t believe how time flies. I looked at the date of the last post and it has been 2 weeks!! Doesn’t seem like it hasn’t been that long.

Latest since the pneumonia….feeling much better. Done with all antibiotics. For 7 days(last week Monday-yesterday, Kendall has had 7 nose bleeds at random times. Sometimes when she goes from sitting to standing, after laughing, in her sleep, sitting still, and even just walking from room to room. All the doctors were aware of this and figured it was from all of the times she was blowing her nose during her congestion. Suggestions were humidifier, vaseline in her nose, nasal spray. We did all those things and she hasn’t had a nose bleed since yesterday. She had an appointment with ENT today just to make sure. He agreed that she is just healing from all of the congestion. Saw a small area inside her nose that looked irritated but that was about it. He said if there was any more bleeding to bring her back to the office and he would look further into her nose with a light and see if there is an area that he needed to(cauterize) zap with some heat to stop the bleeding.

She did have some blood work done while she was there because the hematologist wanted to make sure the bleeding over this past week didn’t cause her to be anemic or change her blood levels that helps her blood to clot and not continuously bleed without stopping. Also when she goes to the bathroom to do #2, it’s pretty much black. It’s probably from the blood that she has swallowed ( I am so glad she is not on social media because she would be horrified from all of these details) lol

She has an appointment this coming Friday with the cardiologist for a checkup because of this bleeding and possible pneumonia a few weeks ago. We still have not gotten any word on when the pulmonology consultation on when and where it will take place.

I will update everyone after her Friday appointment.