Wednesday November 17, 2021

Good evening. You are all Kendall’s village. That is how I will refer to you from now on. Kendall’s Village. lol

I received a call from the rheumatologist today. Kendall saw her a few weeks ago because of her hands. One is usually red/hot and the other blue/cold. According to this doctor all of the lab work came back negative for autoimmune diseases, lupus, multiple sclerosis etc….That’s good news!!!

She said that the discoloration is most likely due to the cardiac circulation and no other disease. Ok. We will take that. One more thing to check off the list as a non-factor!!

I know it is hard to keep up but a few months back the GI doctor said that there were some blood vessels in Kendall’s esophagus that were varicosities.(enlarged veins in the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. She did mention to me a few months ago that if I noticed any bleeding anywhere from her body to let her know so we could make sure nothing ruptured because it was a pretty serious if it did. With everything going on I totally forgot about that but I did contact her office today and plan on speaking to her tomorrow to give her this past weeks updates.

Kendall did not have a nose bleed on Tuesday(yesterday) but she did have a slight one a few hours ago.

Soooo…yeah that’s where we are. We are still hoping and praying the nose bleeds are from nose irritation from the past few weeks of coughing and blowing her nose and it’s just going to take time to heal.

I will talk to the GI doctor tomorrow to get her opinion. Cardiology appointment on Friday. Still waiting to hear back about when the lung consultation will take place.

Other than that she is good. Currently has on her Beats listening to some music. Unaffected and unbothered just the way I like it.

Peace and blessings